Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Little Lessons

Happy Tuesday to ya! Today I would like to present a few small points of advice I have newly ( and not so newly) acquired (mostly so I don't forget them).

1- Don't eat grapefruit in the car. Especially if you don't have anyway to wash your hands afterwords.

2- When your reeds die get new ones, otherwise you can play your guts out (feeling like you are trying to blow over a brick wall with a straw), and only end up stopping to catch your breath after two bars, feeling lightheaded, and raw-ify the inside of your lip. (doesn't work so well during 4+ hours of playing) (By the way, my sister-in-law gave me some new reeds!! It is like Christmas, so happy!)

3- If you are a major soloist in a band (not me :) ) don't miss a dress rehearsal unless pre-approving it with your director, otherwise everyone will have to have an extra dress rehearsal immediately before the concert (which is tomorrow for me...YAY!)

4- Film canisters filled with reed-soaking water are life savers (or spit savers) when you are breaking in a new box of reeds. (I changed my reed 12-13 times during a rehearsal today...teehee)

5- Take advantage of "Free," especially when you don't have an income. (Free food, free shirts, free kittens...happy times!)

6- Rejoice over little things (like finding a parking spot, not falling up the stairs (more on stairs soon!!), new reeds, running (clean) water, food, ...). Things will look brighter and happier.

7- Don't forget to laugh at yourself.

8- If you want to become a teacher stock up on the Vitamin C, airborne, orange juice, and chicken noodle soup. The kiddies are always being so thoughtful and sharing their sicknesses with you. :) Especially your first year teaching them.

9- Just because it looks warm outside and feels warm from the sun shining through the windows doesn't mean it is warm outside.

10- Keep an emergency stash of chocolate in your car.

11- Don't leave said emergency chocolate in the sun in your car.

12- Don't eat all of your emergency chocolate as soon as you put it in your car.

13- Grapefruit/other citrus fruit peels make the car smell good, but don't leave them there for too long...things could get ugly.

14- Check your shoelaces often.

15- Check the toilet paper levels before you choose a stall.

16- Don't drink reed-soaking water.

17- "Smile, it confuses people" (or might just make their day)

18- Decide to be happy. Your attitude is one of the only things that cannot be taken from you.

...And I think I will be done for now. I have eaten muches of pizza...can pizza give you a sugar high? I think it can, because I can't focus very well anymore (if you couldn't tell from my jumbled/half hazard list...).

This is the BandNeeek signing off for now! I loves you all and wish you the happiest!


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