Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Happy February! (for the last time this year)

I will fill this space with some of my humorous band moments/quotes I have collected.

Daily Practice Schedule written on the board...sometimes r's and n's look alike.
"12:00 Carmina Burana--shift seating (rotating pants)"

On Brass players:
"It's too early", "It's too late", "It's too cold", "It's too hot", "My lip is split", "My valve/slide is stuck/sticky", "I have to empty my spit valve", "Wrong Partial", "My mute slipped", "I don't have my mute", "Huh?"

On Wind players:
"It's the reed (new, old, hard, soft, etc.)", "My instrument has a leak", "My cork needs replacing", "Do you have any cork grease?", "My other (better) instrument is in the shop", "Don't look/laugh at the brass players, it only encourages them", "I can't play: I just ate", "Do you all keep your toothbrushes/toothpaste there (a cabinet in the band room...above the sink)?"

"The Clarinet section is the Heart of any band." -Current Band Director

"You have to play this like you are a mad lady in church!" -Former Band Director

...more to come soon!

-the BandNeeek

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