Thursday, January 11, 2007

Welcome to My Cozy Little Niche

Hello there! You might be asking yourself who, where, or what I am, which is reasonable amount of curiosity, but due to my becoming increasingly wary of...well, many things, my secret identity will remain just that. Secret. Top Secret. If it makes you feel better you may think of me as a Super Hero whose anonymity is key to their survival as such. Or you may not. Either way is fine by me.

So, now you have been cold-heartedly rejected of all your previous queries you might be asking yourself why I am here, or how I got to be here. Or maybe you are asking yourself why and how you even got here in the first place. The former I could give some insight to, but, alas, the latter is left for you to explain to me. I am curious about you as well you know, so go ahead and leave a comment if you wish. As to why I might have spontaneously appeared out of thin net-space air, well, to be honest I was truly hoping in my sneaky appearance to, in a thin net-space air sort of way, jump out and scare the socks off of some unsuspecting person. But such things can be quite difficult in such a place. All well, I tried.

Now you are probably more lost than you had been before you even glanced towards my little space (whatever it might have been that urged you to glance my way), or perhaps you have already gotten sick of me and have left. That leaves me Hooray! A party! All "me's" invited! "Me"ercats, "Me"rcedes, "Me" kitties, "Me"...ahem. Back to "why am I here." I have decided to have this as an online (public) journal of sorts...where I ramble about school, work, play, random thoughts, and whatever else fits my whim at the time (whilst changing all names, places, and other identifying information so as to keep my Super Hero Mask intact.

Thank you for visiting. Please keep track of your outer appendages and loose change, children, minds, cheese, hair-pieces, and toasters. Enjoy your questings!

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