I have not posted in ...a long while, but never fear! I haven't been eaten by the fathomless monster that is schoolwork or brainwashed by the lazy dust bunnies inside my pillow. Well, maybe just a little. A nibble here and a splosh there, nothing an extra Spring Break wouldn't fix (but seeing as extra breaks have been outlawed, I will just have to wait a few more weeks until after finals are done and over with). All is well that ends in Summer break!
So. Happy things. There are many. It has been sunny and warm, and now it is about to rain and snow and be cold for a few days. Both for me are happy.
I ate way too much Easter candy on Easter. I was bouncing off the walls so much I think my family wanted to disown me for a while. hehehe It doesn't help that I haven't been getting to bed as early as I should and missed hours of sleep pile on. And make me even more giddy. It has been fun on my side of things though. Most everything seems funny if you have sufficiently tilted your circadian cycle and added grotesque amounts of sugar to your diet. Not recommended for long term use.
Oh, yes. Easter. Easter was wonderful! My Mom taught my brother and I how to make deviled eggs, which is quite fun, and made us try one when we had finished. I don't think I have ever enjoyed eating hard-boiled eggs, but these weren't so bad. Nevertheless, one is enough for me. We got to spend much of the day with our family, eating, playing, talking, and generally enjoying the day (after church, of course, which was also wonderful). I ended up crashing early-ish in the evening because of all the sugar I ate and all the energy I expended because of it, but I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
This week has been good, too. We are playing a few fun songs in band and I am still getting used to the new mouthpieces that our band director bought the whole clarinet section (not ours to keep unless we buy them from him). We have had a couple fun sectionals, one in which I ended up being silly and bending notes. Another clarinet friend of mine wanted me to teach her how, so I tried my best (I am not terribly amazing at it myself, but I have fun). She thinks it sounds like a kitty mewing, which had us all giggling.
Speaking of kitties, we took my kitty to the vet on Saturday because he has been acting not so happy lately. He wasn't happy about going, but we wrapped him up in a towel and covered his head and he was just fine. The doctor said he looked great, besides needing to lose a couple few pounds (he weighed in at 15.9 pounds...eek), but took some blood tests to make sure everything was alright. We called back Monday for the results and they came back normal! I was so relieved. We have him on diet food so he should slim down a bit over the next while. I will have to update you on the weekends or something so you too can watch his dieting (I know, so exciting for you).
Alright. I think that is enough for today. I will post more soon! Stay Happy!
-the BandNeeek
P.S. I have a whole handful of posts that I haven't quite finished. I will finish them soon and post them up! Keep an eye out. :)